About Us
DBL Sales & Service is a family owned and operated small business located on the family farm north of Denton and Coffee Creek Montana. It was founded in 2016 by father and son Dave and Brock Linker. They specialize in selling and maintaining no till farming equipment, specifically K-Hart Industries full line of no till seeding and harvesting machines.
Per Brock: We bought our first K-Hart double disc air drill in the spring of 2013. This was after using a competitor's single disc drill for almost three years. While being mostly happy with the job the drill did, it was a nightmare to work on and needed to be worked on constantly to keep all the moving parts moving. We searched all over the United States and Canada looking for a drill that would seed like our disc drill, but would be as easy to own and operate as our old hoe drill. We finally ended up on a farm north of Box Elder Montana looking at a K-Hart Gen 2 double disc drill. Right away we noticed how heavy the frame and bearings were compared to other drills, but the biggest thing that stood out to us was how simple, and farmer-minded both the frame and the openers were designed. We hadn't really heard of K-Hart before so we called the number on their website and Kim Hartman (K-Hart) answered the phone. Turns out the drills were designed durable and with farmers in mind because they were designed and built by a farmer and his team in a shop on their own farm in Canada. After using our drill for a few years and lots of phone calls with Kim, we became K-Hart's first farmer-dealers in the U.S. It just made sense, considering we had learned the product first-hand by using it on our own farm, and we were used to having spare parts on hand anyway because of our remote location.
Fast forward to 2023, and DBL Sales & Service has sold and delivered drills all over Montana and even a few in Idaho. K-Hart Industries has also grown and adapted with the ever-changing world of farming. Starting with the Gent angled under-cut double disc openers which were designed to retrofit to their existing Gen 2 frame (8612) or John Deere disc drill frames (9612). Next up the game changing new Spyder drill frame was released featuring an even more durable and simpler version of the Gent openers, the 8620's. Most recently, in the fall of 2022, K-Hart began testing their brand new stripper header in the fields of Canada. The "Raptor" stripper header will be available for order soon, and we will have one at DBL Sales headquarters for viewing this summer!